Great visions and dreams have been frustrated and unaccomplished because of the desire to start big rather than from a humble beginning. Starting small does not mean remaining small. 

If you despise the seed you will never get the forest or plantation.


Job 8:7 "Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.


Nobody climbs the ladder from the top but from the bottom. 

The grave is the only project that people start digging from the top to the bottom. 


Countless individuals pass away without realizing their grand aspirations because they wait for the perfect moment to commence on a large scale. There are so many examples of people who started small and grew big over time. 


Amazon: Amazon started as an online bookstore in Jeff Bezos's garage. It began with a small selection of books and gradually expanded into the E-commerce giant we know today, offering a vast array of products and services.


Apple: Apple Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in a garage. Their first product, the Apple 1 Computer was a modest beginning that led to the revolutionary products we see today.


 Obstacles to Starting Small


1)Pride (over-estimation of self)

 2)Procrastination (Delay to start what you should have started since)

 3)Comparison (when one lives a life of comparison or competition thinking because your friend started big you must start big too).




Courage to Start: the first step no matter how small requires courage and vision. It is about taking a leap of faith into the unknown.


Persistence: Growth does not happen overnight. It requires persistence and dedication to keep moving forward, especially in the face of challenges.


 Celebrate small wins: Acknowledging and celebrating small victories along the way keeps morale high and momentum going. 


In conclusion start small and grow big is a road map to success in life whether in business, personal projects life goals or visions. 

Beginning with modest steps and building upon them gradually can lead to greater achievements.


Every sky scrapper started with a single brick.

So dare to start small. Dream big and watch as your efforts blossom into something magnificent