Familiarity is a state of knowing a person very well
Which may cause you to lose admiration and respect for them.
Familiarity reduces the greatness of things.
Nothing is wonderful when you get used to it.
Familiarity breeds contempt
Mark 6:1-6(Jesus could not do miracles in his home town, Nazareth, WHY? Because the people there were overfamilliar with him. They saw him as the carpenter's son and not as the son of God that he actually was.)
Kinds of people that suffer from over Familiarity :
1)Spouse (marriage must incessantly contend with a monster,that devours everything call “familiarity".
2)Church members
3)Close friends and associate (familiarity will cause people to cross lines or say things that they shouldn't say )
4)Family members/relatives
5)Colleagues or co-workers
It is familiarity that will make a wife respect /honour her boss in the office and dishonour her husband at home and treat him like a trash.
It is familiarity that will make a married man to prefer other ladies and have no regard or value for his wife.
It is familiarity that makes Christian/Church member to disregard/disrespect their pastors /spiritual head,and honour a guest speaker that just came to minister in their church.
It is familiarity that made people to be in the church for several years,yet they are spiritual babies and they are not being blessed.
1) Relationship strain : This can strain marriages,friendships, and family ties, ultimately leading to distance and conflict.
2) Stagnation and Complacency : Familiarity can breed complacency,especially in professional or personal growth
3)Risk of Miscommunication: Familiarity can lead to assumptions and shortcuts in communication and this can results in misunderstanding, conflicts or missed opportunities for meaningful connections.
4)Overfamiliarity by church members/ Christians is what causes them to loose access to the power of God upon his servant that ordinarily should be blessing and equipping them to fulfil their divinely inspired dreams.
No matter how educated, qualified you may be,when you are too familiar with grace of any leader,spiritual head (pastors)mentor,father,teacher,instructor.
It is a clear sign that you will soon be disgraced because anything you don't admire,you cannot acquire.
From the day you start getting familiar with somebody,he /she stops being a blessing or source of inspiration.
Say no to familiarity and become what you have been made to be.